Funny, unique, and nicely finished.
The looping really made this Flash complete. No, not the looping, but the fact that each quote was completely random, which made me watch it even more for such quotes as
"This bitch be trippin' all up in yo grill, Magicarp. Use Splash Attack!",
"Magicarp, return! I choose you, Ditto! *oh, shhit, wait* **Ditto turns into Magicarp**", or even
"Magicarp, use Hyper Beam!!! (well, what the fuck do you mean you don't have Hyper beam?) Just use Splash Attack!!"
And when I eventually got bored of watching the, quite frankly, empty animation, I just minimised the window, and had it as background sound!!!!! So addictive!!
Mind you, I don't really know why I'm reviewing this, as you probably won't read it :(